Coventry Peace Lecture 2022 Video
During the RISING Global Peace Forum in November 2022, former BBC energy and environment analyst Roger Harrabin delivered Coventry Peace Lecture in Coventry Cathedral on the subject “Can technology curb climate change?”
The event was organised by Coventry Lord Mayor’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation. Climate change is arguably the biggest threat to world peace and security, so the fight against global warming is a very suitable topic for this annual lecture.
The audience were welcomed by John Witcombe, Dean of Coventry and the lecturer was introduced by Councillor Kevin Maton, Lord Mayor of Coventry.
The event including the screening of Roger’s parting piece of journalism for the BBC before he retired: “The Art of Cutting Carbon” which was made for BBC World News and is copyright 2022.
The music is Trauermarsch from Mahler’s 5th Symphony by Jason Weinberger and the WCFSO. It is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
Roger was born in Coventry and attended Stivichall Primary School and King Henry VIII School. After studying English at Cambridge he returned to Coventry as a journalist at the Coventry Evening Telegraph and from there moved to Thames Television News.
He next moved to the BBC where he became a senior journalist and Energy and Environment Analyst, winning a series of Media Natura Environment Awards for reports on environment and development issues. He is now a freelance speaker and moderator on energy, risk, transport, cities and rural issues.
He is an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford, and an Honorary Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.