Hiroshima Day 2017
Date(s) - 06/08/2017
18:00 - 19:00
Coventry Cathedral Priory Street

Photo by Mike Lane
Please join us at 6pm on Sunday 6th August 2017 for a service of reflection in Coventry Cathedral and the Chapel of Unity, with readings and music for all led by John Witcombe, Dean Coventry Cathedral and with speaker Ruth Longoni, Lord Mayor’s Peace Committee. The Deputy Lord Mayor of Coventry will attend as well as Mr Tomohiro Mikanagi, Political Minister and Ms Reiko Kurihara, Second Secretary from the Embassy of Japan. Antony Owen will read a poem and students from Cardinal Newman Catholic School will read Sadako’s story.
This is an event for those of all faiths and none, to remember and reflect about the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
A memorial has been held in Coventry every years since 1987 and messages have been an exchange between the Lord Mayor of Coventry and the Mayor of Hiroshima. Every year a speaker is invited to offer a short reflection to the event. Speakers in previous years have included Ann Farr, Vivienne Faull, Bruce Kent, Andrew White, Paul Oestreicher, our current Dean of Coventry John Whitcombe and John our Bishop of Warwick.

Peace Cranes will be made on Hiroshima Day. Photo by Mike Lane
The event includes ringing the peace bell, readings, prayers and silences. Sidako’s story is read followed by making of Japanese origami cranes of peace led by Coventry Quaker Stella Roberts who three-quarter folds over 100 cranes of peace each year for the event.
The service will finish at 7pm when cold refreshments will be provided by Coventry Quakers, so people can meet and talk together for a while.
Everybody is welcome. We will meet in Coventry Cathedral Nave
We hope you will also join us to talk and share refreshments in the cathedral after the service.
Organised by Lord Mayor of Coventry’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation
Further information
Please contact David Fish on 07779 784 786 or davidfishcf@msn.com
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