Mediation Project Meeting
Date(s) - 19/06/2018
19:00 - 21:00
St Michael’s House
This meeting, to be held in the Reconciliation Ministry of Coventry Cathedral on 19 June, will follow up on the proposal made there by Stephen Ruttle QC that Coventry should create what he called a Community Peace Service supported by local Community Peace Centres. This proposal was made at a meeting on 22 May.
In fact the service he proposes will offer mediation services similar to those offered by the Wandsworth Mediation Service which he runs. That provides a number of mediation services including commercial mediation. It is largely financed by charging for civil, commercial and workspace disputes, for which a fee is charged. It is accredited by the Civil Mediation Council.
Stephen suggested that there are a number of things that we need to consider:
- People – a core group of about 20-30 individuals who would be committed to pursuing the project. Are there people you know who may be interested? Do you have a group (e.g. a church or community group) that someone might present our ideas to at some point?
- Structure – what will this service look like, especially in light of existing provision in the area through MACS? Might we use this as an opportunity to bolster the existing service? Could this be a smaller Coventry-only sister-organisation or sub-group? How do we model peaceful relations as we negotiate the process going forward?
- Place – Where might a service be based? Centrally? In local community hubs? What about an administrative base?
- Funding – Would a model similar to that in Wandsworth work here in Coventry? How could we test this? What other options are there? How do we get started? How do we sustain a service?
- Other – Stephen also suggested that we consider things like training (who delivers, who pays etc.), publicity (for this initial stage, recruiting commercial partners, engaging potential referral services)
Dr Alex Albans
Reconciliation Team
Coventry Cathedral, 1 Hill Top, Coventry CV1 5AB
Phone: +44 (0)24 7652 1284 (Direct) (Extension 7284)
Phone: +44 (0)24 7652 1200 (Switchboard)
Email: Alex.Albans@coventrycathedral.
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