Peaceful Schools Movement
The Peaceful Schools Movement in the UK is a network of schools, organisations and individuals. It is steered by the Peaceful Schools Strategy Group. We have developed the concept of a ‘Peaceful School’ which has four, inter-related levels of peace:
- Inner peace for the individual pupil/student and members of staff;
- Peaceful relationships and constructive resolution of conflicts;
- Peaceful school ethos and environment (indoors and outdoors);
- Peace-making within the wider community/world.
Our aim is that schools should become peaceful learning environments.
We support and work in partnership with schools and many peace-promoting organisations including ‘Peace One Day’, Values-Based Education/Living Values, the Peace Mala Project, the Peace Education Network, the Peer Mediation Network, Peacemakers (WMQPEP), Mind with Heart, A Quiet Place and many others.
Our Peaceful Schools Awards scheme celebrates the important role that schools play in equipping children and young people with the skills they need to live peaceful lives and to be peacemakers in their families, communities and the world!
To contact the Peaceful Schools Strategy Group email the Peaceful Schools Coordinator, Anna Lubelska –
Or by post: Peaceful Schools, Witch Hazel Cottage, Linden Road, Headley Down, Hampshire GU35 8EN
Or by phone: Tel: 01428 717090
Strategy Group Members
Anna Lubelska – founder of the Peaceful Schools Movement and Director of Spiritual England
Isabelle Cartwright of Quaker Peace and Social Witness
Sara Hagel, Director of Peacemakers (based in Birmingham)
David Holmes ex-Primary Head Teacher and Schools Consultant. David writes a lot of our Peaceful Schools resource materials and he is based in Derbyshire
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