Podcast about Coventry Japanese Peace Garden
Mrs Rebecca Bollands, Deputy Head of Earlsdon Primary School in Coventry who does so much to engage children with peace, was invited by Anna Lubelska, founder of The Peace Building charity, to do a podcast about peace education work in Coventry.
She describes, among other things, the design and construction of the Japanese Peace Garden in the War Memorial Park.
You can hear the podcast at https://thepeacebuilding.org.uk/japanese-peace-garden/
Anna is motivated by the horrendous wartime experiences of her Polish family. Touched very personally by the devastation of war; she has been active in peace work all her adult life. She was awarded the Medal of Gratitude by the European Solidarity Centre for her international work in the 1980s supporting the movement for freedom in Poland.
She now presents awards to participating schools; celebrating projects that effectively promote peace – both conceptually and practically. Her next step in the journey towards a peaceful world will be the establishment of The Peace Building in London. It will be a global centre of excellence in peace education. In the meantime – we have this virtual peace museum!
Read more about her at https://coventrycityofpeace.uk/creating-a-peace-building/