Positive Images April 2020 Update
Our meetings have come to a standstill. However, we have been busy behind the scenes.
- Emilie Lauren Jones continues to hold our poetry workshops, online of course! Anyone interested in this online poetry journey is requested to contact her via email emilielaurenwriter@gmail.com
- Colin Scott, who facilitates Hillfields Readers Group, has just sent out a newsletter, which also contains a quiz. For further information, please email positiveimagesfest@yahoo.com
- Executive Committee members, Karen Berry and Emilie Lauren Jones, attended an online bid writing course, arranged by BSBT (Building a Stronger Britain together).
News from our partner organisations…
*Sue and Graham Pountney, who arrange Styvechale Open Gardens event, are keeping us mentally stimulated through their daily quiz. If you would like your daily dose of their wholesome quiz, please contact positiveimagesfest@gmail.com.
*Arts for Health held a zoom meeting on 30th March. Arts for Health is a group for artists and creatives in Coventry & Warwickshire, who recognise the transformative effects of arts and creativity on our society.
Minutes of the meeting are available from positiveimagesfest@gmail.com. If you want to be part of this group, please email mel@feelgoodcom.org
*Sahyadri Friends Group is conducting online craft sessions for kids, whose pictures of craftwork created will feature in a future edition of Spectrum.
Chaitrali Chitre is conducting free live Yoga sessions and Bollywood dance sessions for families. www.sahyadri.co.uk
*CAIF (Coventry Association for International Friendship) has been keeping in contact with its members and friends abroad through the production of a daily bulletin CAIF in the Time of Coronavirus. These can be accessed its website http://caif.co.uk/index.php/gallery/coronavirus#category Watch their videos on their YouTube Channel.
*Ekta-Unity Group distributed craft packs to their members to promote their well- being. Craftwork created will be displayed at a future meeting.
Did you know?
*4th April is National as well as International Carrot Day. It started in 2003, with the aim of spreading knowledge about the carrot and its attributes. www.carrotday.com
*21st April is National Tea Day, which celebrates our love of tea. We drink 165 million cups of tea a day. www.nationalteaday.co.uk
*Positive Images Festival has been successful in its bid for funding from National Lottery Awards for All for workshops which will start form late summer onwards.
*Edina Iacob, one of our volunteers, was nominated for Coventry University Students Union’s Volunteer of the Year Award 2020.
Colin Scott
Mehru Fitter