Positive Images Festival Poetry Competition 2020
What does being a good neighbour mean?
Who or what do we consider our neighbours to be, and just as importantly, who doesn’t feel part of a neighbourhood?
These are age-old questions that have become even more relevant during recent times. We’ve all heard the wonderful stories of volunteers picking up prescriptions and food for those who are shielding during the Coronavirus and many of us will be familiar with the instruction ‘love thy neighbour’ but this is an invite to get creative and really explore the theme of ‘neighbours’.
The Positive Images Festival will be running their Poetry Competition again this year with this important theme.
Our judges are looking for an original take on the theme, don’t try and cover everything in one poem – be specific and avoid clichés. The quality of poems increases each year so we are really looking forward to reading your poetic offerings on this theme.
“It is easy to believe we are each waves and forget we are also the ocean.” ― Jon J. Muth
“It’s very important to know the neighbour next door and the people down the street and the people in another race.” – Maya Angelou
The free-to-enter competition runs from 1 to 31 October 2020.
Entries must be emailed to: positiveimagesfest@yahoo.com along with your full name, your name as you would like it to appear in print (if this is different to your full name), address, email address and telephone number.
Winners will be announced at a celebratory event in November 2020. This will be an online event. Three prizes will be awarded for first-place, a runners up and a highly commended entry. We will also be producing a booklet and the judges will select poems to appear alongside the winners.