World Peace Tree
On Wednesday the morning of November 4th, Lady Godiva (Pru Porretta) and her Godiva Sisters were joined by the Lord Mayor of Coventry, Councillor Ann Lucas, to place hand written messages of peace on red silk ribbons, white paper doves and poppy garlands upon a young fir tree called the World Tree of Peace.
“The tree will stand witness for Coventry being a city of Peace and Reconciliation throughout the coming lockdown,” Pru said. “Our aim is that the public will be given an opportunity to reflect and contemplate whilst in the presence of the World Peace Tree.”
The tree contains messages in 30 different languages
“The messages were written by the Godiva Sisters to inspire and encourage world peace and, by using the natural environment, to reach out like the branches to our city and beyond, inspiring new generations.”
Following the launch of the tree, people can now add their peace messages on social media by visiting