Early Day Motion: Leave to Remain in UK
It is estimated there are around 1 million undocumented workers living in the UK. Because of COVID-19, many of them are now unable to work and, because they are undocumented, they cannot claim government benefits. They are therefore going without food.
Moreover, because they often live in overcrowded conditions they are highly susceptible to COVID-19. Despite government assurances that the NHS does not carry out immigration checks in hospitals, many undocumented workers are nevertheless worried that seeking medical help will result in their being removed from the UK.
For more information see the BBC report Coronavirus: Undocumented workers an ‘invisible public health risk’.
CARAG therefore requests the people of Coventry to ask your MP to sign Early Day Motion EDM #658 – LEAVE TO REMAIN STATUS, the text of which is shown below. There is also the suggested text of a letter.
If you know your MP or your constituency you can find your MP’s email address below. Or if you are not sure, find who your MP is by entering your postcode at https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP. Follow the link to find their contact details.
Contents of this page
Coventry MP contact details
Coventry North East
Colleen Fletcher’s email is colleen.fletcher.mp@parliament.uk
Coventry North West
Taiwo Owatemi’s email is taiwo.owatemi.mp@parliament.uk
Coventry South
Zarah Sultana’s email is zarah.sultana.mp@parliament.uk
That this House notes that there are currently an unknown number of persons in the UK who are not citizens of the UK and who do not at present have leave to remain in this country, who lack any entitlement to support from the state and are therefore entirely without funds to feed, clothe and house themselves and their families and who are unable to comply with government guidance on self-isolation and social distancing; and considers it essential that the government takes immediate action to ensure that leave to remain in the United Kingdom is granted to all such persons who are within the UK but are not citizens, irrespective of their nationality or immigration status, so that they can access healthcare, food and housing to enable them to adhere to government advice on social distancing, and to ensure the health of themselves and their families as well as helping protect the health of all of us.
Suggested Text of Letter/Email
Always include your own address when you write to your MP so that they will know you live in their constituency.
Leave to Remain status: EDM #658
Dear [Name] MP
I am writing to ask you to sign and support EDM #658 which calls for undocumented migrants and all those in legal process to be granted Leave to Remain. This change will enable them to access healthcare, food and housing, thereby protecting their own health and the health of those they come into contact with:
That this House notes that currently in the UK there are an unknown number of persons who are not UK citizens, who do not have leave to remain in this country, who lack any entitlement to support from the state, who are therefore entirely without funds to feed, clothe and house themselves and their families and who are unable to comply with Government guidance on self-isolation and social distancing; and considers it essential that the Government takes immediate action to ensure that leave to remain in the UK is granted to all such persons who are within the UK but are not citizens, irrespective of their nationality or immigration status, so that they can access healthcare, food and housing to enable them to adhere to Government advice on social distancing, ensure the health of themselves and their families and help protect the health of all people in the UK. [Tabled 24 June 2020, 2019-21 Session https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/57173/leave-to-remain-status]
There is more information including numerous examples of people to whom this would apply, on the Status Now website http://www.statusnow4all.org
I hope you can support this motion,
Yours sincerely,