Annual Peace Lecture 2017
Date(s) - 13/11/2017
Coventry Cathedral Priory Street
Paul Oestreicher will deliver the Coventry Annual Peace Lecture 2017 on 13 November in Coventry Cathedral on the subject
Justice And Peace – can we have both?
Revd Canon Paul Oestreicher is an Anglican priest, Quaker, peace and human rights activist. He is a Vice President CND and former Director of Coventry Cathedral’s Centre for International Reconciliation. In 2011, Paul made the keynote speech “abolition of war” World Council of Churches International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC). A lifelong pacifist, Paul was co-founder of the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship in New Zealand.
Paul joined Amnesty International at its inception in 1961 & was Chair of AI UK from 1975-1979.
7pm for 7.30 Music Edsel String Quartet
Organised by the Lord Mayor of Coventry’s Committee for Peace and Reconciliation
For further information please contact David Fish on 07779784786 or
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