Negotiating the nuclear deal
Date(s) - 21/09/2021
13:00 - 14:00
Friends of Europe will run a debate in their Iran in focus series: “Negotiating the nuclear deal” taking place online on Tuesday, 21 September from 13.00-14.00.
Join Bart Groothuis, Vice-Chair Delegation for relations with Iran at the European Parliament, Sussan Tahmasebi, leading women’s rights advocate and director at FEMENA, and Jon Wolfsthal, Senior Advisor at Global Zero and former senior director for arms control and non-proliferation at the US National Security Council.
With the change in the US administration, the stage is set for high-stake rounds of deal making to resurrect the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and Iran’s compliance with it.
Is the time right to put other issues on the table, such as regional policy, the Iranian missile programme, domestic policies and human rights issues? What are the lessons that Europe and the US need to apply to this new changed context? How will diplomatic relations with Iran be configured and the diplomatic effort across the region? Join us for this important, timely and highly political debate.