Report on Cine UNACov film Beyond Forgiving
This inspirational and award-winning documentary was shown in Coventry University on 3 November during Coventry Peace Festival. It depicted the journey of two South Africans to bring healing and reconciliation to South Africa.
The film was followed by a conversation between the audience and a panel of experts
- Howard Grace, the executive producer of the film
- Dr. Marwan Darweish, Principal Lecturer at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University. He is the Course Director of the MA in Peace and Conflict Studies and Director of Post Graduate Certificate Course in Conflict Resolution Skills.
- Talia Smith who recently returned from working on peacebuilding and reconciliation projects in Africa
The turnout was good for a first film with about 25 guests and 10 UNA Ambassadors.
The response from the audience feedback was entirely positive and encouraged us to hope that we will obtain even larger audiences for our forthcoming films.
For more about Cine UNACov programme see
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