School Peer Mediation Plus Training
Peacemakers still have funding available for primary and secondary schools in the West Midlands to help them set up a Peer Mediation Plus scheme and train staff to get the most out of the scheme.
The offer is for the Summer or Autumn 2023 school terms.
Peer mediation involves children being trained to mediate their peers’ conflicts at school. It is underpinned by the same values that inform adult mediation. It is voluntary, inclusive and leads those people who find themselves in a dispute, to find their own solution to their problem, rather than being told what to do. It is conflict resolution for young people, by young people.
In summary, this is what is on offer:
- A pupil workshop for the year group from which mediators will be selected. This allows those pupils to fully understand what peer mediation is and what they are volunteering for.
- 3 staff training sessions after school for teachers and teaching assistants. One of these takes place a few weeks after the mediators have been trained to assess how things are progressing (approx 4.5 hours in total).
- 3 days of peer mediation training for up to 24 pupils.
- Training for Lunchtime supervisors (2 hours).
- Resources to support the peer mediation lead.
- Invitation to join a network of peer mediation leads led by Peacemakers.
- Evaluation including a follow up visit to the school once the scheme is established.
Peacemakers ask schools to commit to all aspects of the offer and to make a financial contribution towards the costs. The actual cost to deliver this work is £2,770 per school. Each school will be asked to contribute £500.00.
For enquiries or to book please contact Libbs Packer at or call her on 0121 236 4796