Jai Jagat Global Peace March 2020
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Date(s) - 05/09/2020 - 21/09/2020
Jai Jagat is a campaign in September 2020 to promote Gandhi’s message of non-violence. Its name means “the victory of the World” in Hindi.
Their main aims are
- Eradicating Poverty
- Eliminating Social Exclusion
- Ameliorating the Climate Crisis
- Halting Conflict and Violence
In 2020 they will be organising a “Global Peace March 2020” whose aim includes raising awareness of climate justice. Some people will be marching from Delhi to Geneva while others will have a more limited march from Lyons to Geneva between 5 and 21 September.
More Information
The main website for the march is www.jaijagat2020.org
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